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Kaiser Woodland PFO

Parent Involvement

knight and dragon heads for Kaiser Woodland PFO

The Kaiser Woodland PFO is an all‐volunteer group of parents, faculty and staff from both Kaiser and Woodland Schools. This organization is dedicated to maintaining the highest level of quality education at both schools. The PFO is a 501(c) 3 non‐profit organization formed for the sole purpose of raising funds to supplement Technology, Arts and Enrichment programs at Kaiser and Woodland Schools. Unlike other national organizations, a PFO allows us to put funds raised directly back into our schools.

Meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month and rotate between in-person and Zoom.
In-person meetings are from 9 - 10am in the Woodland MPR and Zoom meetings start at 7pm. 

For more information and to receive the weekly newsletter, please visit the Kaiser Woodland PFO website